Subject: HELP
Emails back to you a list of instructions like the ones found in this document. You will probably never use any command except SEND, so you might need a refresher on the instructions. Just remember to ask your fax for HELP and it will give it to you.
Subject: SEND (plus list of phone numbers separated by commas with no other punctuation)
Example - Subject: SEND 6601234, 8882341233, 14042344444
Sends a fax to each phone number listed. Note the phone numbers can be 7, 10, or 11 digit. If the area code is omitted, the area code of your fax number will be used. You will receive a confirmation that the fax was properly received for delivery or advised if the fax can not be accepted almost instantly. You will receive a status update for each phone number separately to tell of either success or failure.
The pages of your fax, including any cover page, must be attached to the email as PDF or TIF file. The body of the email is ignored. The PDF or TIF file can be multiple pages but only 1 file per fax.
Subject: USERS
Email a list of authorized email addresses back to you. This is a handy way to see your authorized users without needing to log into a website. This list is also sent to you as a confirmation when you use the ADD and REMOVE subjects (see below).
only authorized email address can access your fax account, all authorized email addresses will receive new inbound fax notifications
Subject: ADD
Example: Subject: ADD
Adds a new email address to your list of authorized users and sends back the new list of all users.
Subject: REMOVE
Example: Subject: REMOVE
Removes an email address from your list of authorized users and sends back the new list of all users.
Subject: BLOCKED
Emails a list of blocked phone numbers back to you.
Subject: BLOCK
Example: BLOCK 2342342345
Adds a phone number to your blocked list and emails a copy of the updated list back to you. The number specified must include area code. Only one number should be sent at a time.
Subject: UNBLOCK
Example: UNBLOCK 2342342345
Removes a phone number from your blocked list and emails a copy of the updated list back to you. The number specified must include area code. Only one number should be sent at a time.