User Management

FreePBX - Admin Menu

What is the User Management Module used for?

The User Management (userman) module is replacing several modules which have attempted to create and manage users separate from the Extensions Module. Modules such as iSymphony, XactView and RestAPI are a few examples. In FreePBX Version 12 the new User Control Panel (UCP) will also utilize the User Manager module.

Using this module you will be able to create users that have access to Extensions or Device/User Mode Users and the settings associated with those Devices. For example, a new user could be created that can log into the User Control Panel and access the voicemail of 3 other accounts or manage your API tokens.

Creating a new User

  • Clicking on User Manager module brings up a screen like this. 
  • On the right side you can see a list of all Users that have been created and click on any user to edit the settings or press the "Add New User" option to create a new user.
  • For each user we can define the following pieces of information
    • User Settings
      • Login Name- This is the login Username to Log the User Control Panel in Version 12
      • Description- Friendly name for this user.
      • Password- Password used with the login name defined above.
      • First Name thru Home Phone Number- These are just optional fields that can be used to store information on the user that future apps will use.
      • Default Assigned Extension- This is the extension this User is assigned to by default and used by the API module.  A single extension can only belong as the default Extension for 1 User Account.  If using the API Module or Rest API Apps module this is how we associated which extension this user belongs to.
      • Additional Assigned Extensions- These can be additional extension on the system that you want associated with this user.  This is only used at this time in User Control Panel in Version 12

UCP-  FreePBX 12 or newer

  • UCP is the new User Control Panel for FreePBX 12 and newer that replaced the old ARI in FreePBX.  Below are the settings related to UCP for your user.
  • Enabled-Yes or No  If yes then the user will be able to log into UCP with the permissions below
  • Allowed Settings- Which extensions you can change settings for such as Follow Me, Call Forward, Call Waiting and Do Not Disturb

  • Allowed VoiceMail- Which extensions you can view and manage the voicemail boxes of.