Configuring Templates
PBX Customers are given access to Grandstream auto-provisioning servers, access is via keyed URL, please enter a support ticket if you do not know the URL to your provisioning server
Editing your device settings is much more efficient than programming each phone manually, 1st the provisioning service gives access to all settings on a signal page so searching for a setting is very easy (Ctrl + F), plus you can choose to make setting changes in the template that will apply to the entire group or choose to make changes to individual devices
please remember to re-boot all phones effected by setting changes so they will pick up new settings, some settings changes will cause the devices to automatically reboot themselves after they pick up the setting so its best not to use the device or 5-10 minutes after getting new settings
this guide only covers the basic configurations to get a device working, more settings can be found under manual configuration articles in this knowledge base
Once you go to your keyed URL, you will be presented with a list of Grandstream devices
under each device type you can make one or more templates
under each template you create you need to enter:
Name: Typically the Extension Number, but can be any identifier
MAC: MAC Address of your Grandstream device, found on label on back of device, it will be 12 Hex-Decimal string normally starting with 000
Editing a Template
Voxis has most of the required settings already set, you will need to make some changes
(P270) Account Name: is the account 1 line label, if you want this to be your company name set it here, if you want the account line label to be the extension number then set this under Edit Device
(P47) Primary SIP Server: this is your PBX URL and Port in the following format {URL}:{Port}, this is given to you when started your account with Voxis
you will probably want to set the devices BLF buttons (on phone that support BLF) in the edit template portion, the BLF settings are found under Multi-Purpose Keys
remember that editing settings in the Edit Template link will effect all devices in the same template group
blank settings will default to the devices factory default settings
Editing a Device
for each device you make in the template manager, there will be a edit device link, this link will take you to a page that looks identical to the edit template page, settings from this page will overwrite the template setting for the device your editing
IE: If (p270) Account Name is your company name in edit template, and (p270) Account Name is the extension number in edit device then the device will use the settings from the edit device, if (p270) Account Name is left blank in the edit device, then the device will use the settings from edit template
the required settings for each device are:
(P35) SIP User ID: the extension number
(P36) Authentication ID: the extension number
(P34) Authentication Password: the extensions secret set in PBX
(P3) Display Name: either the extension number or users name
Setting up a Grandstream Device for Auto Provision
Option 1: 2 Stage Boot with Option 66 (Preferred)
In routers that support DHCP with Option 66, set the Option 66 Value to Type = Text and Value =
In PFSense:
Go to Services, DCHP Server, then Click on LAN tab
Click the Advanced button for Additional BOOTP/DHCP Options
Add a Entry by pressing the "+" button
Number = 66
Type = Text
Value =
Click Save Button
Using this method will:
automatically point Grandstream devices to our provisioning servers:
1.) out of box, just plug into network
2.) should the device ever be factory reset
Option 2: Manually Point Device to Provisioning Servers
log into the devices web interface:
Maintenance, Upgrade and Provisioning
there are 3 settings that must be set
Firmware Server Path :
Config Server Path:
Config File Prefix: iqvconfig.asp?MAC=
if the device is ever factory reset this will have to be manually configured