Windows PC - Zoiper

Phones - Softphone

Overview - Zoiper for Windows PC

Zoiper is a Softphone software that turns your Windows based computer into a telephone, in which you can make and receive calls. Typically you would want to use this software with a headset connected to your computers sound card, however any speaker microphone combination will work.  

Installation Instructions 

download the Zoiper for Windows application above, and launch the installer, due to how many requests we get to walk users though the install process, this guide covers every step. please follow the guide in its entirety, there are setting changes that need to be made after setting up the account before Zoiper will work correctly. 

Press Next on the Zoiper welcome screen
Accept the Zoiper End User License Agreement and Press the Next button
Choose the option you want, it is recommended the you select Start Zoiper with Windows
Leave the default Start Folder Name and press Next
Select the windows users that should have access to the Zoiper Application 
Press the Next button
Check the Launch Zoiper check box and press Finish 
Click on Settings and Create a new Account
Select SIP for Account Type
input your SIP credentials
Format should be {Extension Number}@{URL of your PBX}:{Listening Port of your PBX}
you may enter anything you want for account name, but make it descriptive if you plan to setup multiple accounts
Click on Setting and Preferences
Make sure the the Account is REGISTERED, indicator is right of the SIP Account Options label
if you need to make any changes on this screen press the Un-Register followed bu the Register button after making your changes
Click the Codec Tab once the Account is registered
the Only Selected Audio Codecs should be

G.729 (Paid for Version of Zoiper Only), move to top of list if you have it
H263 Plus
Click the Advanced Tab
Set the Keep Alive Time Out to Default
Click on the Extra Tab
Enter *97 in Both Voicemail Extension and To Voicemail if your extension has Voicemail activated
press OK
your now ready to use Zoiper